Fall and Thanks
Beautiful time of year, eh?
If you don’t like the Fall, buddy, you got problems. It’s still warm enough for shorts during the day and cool enough for jeans – your whole closet is fair game and thus, you can maximize your between laundry time until a veritable Vesuvius has piled up. Just keep the ‘ol undies clean okay? Remember what your Momma said, “Be sure to wear clean underwear in case you’re in a wreck.”
The best part of Fall, and yes, I capitalized it ‘cause it’s that damn special, is Football season. What the hell has happened to my beloved ‘Noles? The ACC has finally caught up with them in terms of speed, but the ingenuity of the offensive has disappeared. Sorry Jeff Bowden, but it is what it is. For several years Chris Rix took the blame for you, but now you’re all out of excuses. Why am I able to watch Florida, that most loathsome of a swamp-hole, and feel my jaw drop at their offensive play calling? It’s not that they have better athletes, it’s that they possess better offensive schemes. Guess where those schemes come from? You guessed it – coaches. Seen the way they interchange Tebow with Leak? Why are the ‘Noles unable to implement Xavier Lee into the gameplan? You better use him now, because I’m willing to wager he’s going to transfer in the spring. I think back to the play calling in years past under coordinators like Mark Richt, now the coach at Georgia, and it was brilliant. Even Brad Scott before him had a wide open playbook. And now? Vanilla - plain and simple. Flip over to ESPN Classic sometime. Bowden was known for at least 4 plays from his bag of trickery a game. It kept defenses on their toes and their heads on a swivel – never knew what was coming next. Until something changes they are not a top 25 team. They’re a top 5 team in terms of talent (number 3 recruiting class last year behind Florida and USC), but only top 50 in terms of execution. Maalox Bowl? Tums Bowl? Toilet Bowl? Yes, I’d like to make a reservation…
Damn does my lawn look good right now. Thick, green, lush. Just another reason to love the Fall, if you have a cool season grass like fescue. I used Scott’s Heat Tolerant Blue to overseed after aerating it a couple weeks ago. And though the seed was expensive, hey, you get what you pay for.
Let’s end on a note of “stand up and cheer” patriotism. Thank you Anheuser Busch for your advertisement thanking our Armed Forces. If you don't know what I'm talking about, watch what some have called the "Best Commerical" here.