From Saint Patrick's Day to "Madness" to Spring
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all! Yes I know it's Saturday, but for those of us who work on Friday, Saturday is a better day to celebrate because you have the entire day for green libations, corned beef, cabbage, and all things Irish. I'm not alone in this thinking because AMC aired The Quiet Man tonight.
So fill up your pint with another Guinness and Cheers! And if you haven't been to Ireland then to Dublin you must go. Take a tour of the Guinness Brewery. Then flee the city and visit the countryside. The Ring of Kerry is absolutely beautiful and a drive down its picturesque roads is like traveling through a postcard. Most of all visit Newgrange.

It's an ancient burial place that, if you are not claustrophobic, you may crawl inside and ponder an ancient people's divinity and after-life beliefs.
Ask the Dust - An incredible book by John Fante. If you ever pick up a copy just start reading the first page, you'll be sucked in at once. It's a clever yet "simple sounding" novel about a young writer in Los Angeles during the 1930s. Fante's style had a huge impact on later writers like Charles Bukowski.
Read an article recently from the LA Times website about the novel being made into a movie by the legendary director Robert Towne. Personally, there are some books I would love to see on the big screen and others I hope are never touched. This is one I would rather not see touched, unless it sticks exactly to the book which is almost impossible for films due to the natural time and visionary differences. Here's to hoping the film's incredible, though I have a strong sense it's a letdown.
March Madness - What a great time of year. The whole country anxiously awaits to discover and root for the next Cinderella story. My picks for the Final Four: Duke, UCLA, UConn, and BC with UConn beating Duke for the National Title.
The selection process and criteria seems a bit skewed toward mid-major teams (see Air Force and Utah State) but then again, some of the bubble teams (see Maryland, Michigan, and Florida State) fizzled in their conference tournaments. Regardless, if you didn't make it just chalk it up to not winning enough of your games. Remember the saying, "Winning cures everything." That goes for team chemistry just as much as post-season play.
NFL & Free Agency - It is truly an amazing league. Their growth in terms of salary cap alone has grown over 200% since the cap's inception in the 90s. Though it appeared to be on incredibly shaky ground, I'm glad the owners were able to come to their senses regarding the sharing of revenue. While some may favor the "best team money can buy" mentality of the New York Yankees, I for one love the operating model of the NFL. Now that free agency has begun, I find it amazing to see what some teams are willing to pay certain players. Through shrewd evaluation of talent, a team can truly turn itself around. Keep an eye on the Dolphins, Nick Saban is already proving himself to be an incredible coach. I like the Panthers player decisions as well. It's tough to watch some players you like cut from the team, but the front office has to keep looking toward the future. Brenston Buckner, I hope a team picks you up and you continue to stay healthy. As for the Dallas Cowboys and Terrell Owens, I think they are a perfect fit -- I can't stand either one. May the mayhem he created in Philadelphia last year erupt threefold in Dallas. It seems a fitting wish after the way he treated McNabb and Andy Reid. I'm sure Vegas is already laying odds on who will be gone first, Owens or Parcells. Sure it will be proverbial smooth sailing at first, but wait until Owens blames a loss on Drew Bledsoe for not getting him the ball. Once the egos flair, all hell will break lose.
Nike & Kobe Bryant - Have you seen the latest Nike ad with Kobe Bryant? The one where he claims everyone either loves him or hates him? Well he is right on target in regard to the love or hate aspect, but the reasons he gives are absolutely asinine. I could care less about his jumper. My personal disdain dates back to the breakup of the once beloved Lakers. I was a huge Shaq fan, still am. There is no answer for the Big Aristotle. There are "poor man's" versions of just about everyone in the league, but not for Shaq Diesel. Off the court he is charismatic, funny, and incredibly charitable. How many people pay to fill up an 18-wheeler full of toys to hand out at Christmas time? Shaq-a-Claus does. Besides, with Shaquille the Lakers won three titles, without him it's Zero. Zip. Nada. No, Mr. Bryant, the reason I don't like you is because you wanted to be scoring option number one, two, and three all the time. You could not stand being second fiddle to the Big Man. Well, where were you during the playoffs last year? That's right. You were at home watching Mr. O'Neal. So go ahead and score eighty points a game. I don't care. Capture some scoring titles. I don't care. I just hope you never hoist another NBA title. I know Mr. Buss is really to blame for sending Shaq away, but that's only because you gave him the ultimatum. Well I hope you two are happy. I know I am whenever I see the Lakers lose.
Spring - Ah Springtime! I am excited about the change in seasons. Though snow never fell in my yard, I am eager for a green lawn, the kids to play outside, and firing up the grill. And since this is a Saint Patty's Day posting, here's a traditional Irish cheer that's fitting for springtime,
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand."